Atobe, Yuta, Masashi Tawada, and Nozomu Togawa. "Hybrid annealing method based on subQUBO model extraction with multiple solution instances." IEEE Transactions on Computers 71.10 (2021): 2606-2619.
1. 怎么把大规模问题分解成小问题
1.1 逻辑前提:挑出错误后,回炉重造
1.2 具体实现:
实现方法: 可以创建一个大致包含所有不正确的量子比特集合的小问题,并使用伊辛机重复解决它。
– 我们使用传统的经典计算器来准备问题的多个候选答案。这些候选答案不一定是正确的,但在比较经典计算器求解得到的多个答案的量子比特集合的最终值。
– 多个候选中匹配一致的就是正确的量子比特集合;
– 答案不匹配且不同的就是不正确的量子比特集合。
1.3 业界影响:
Quanmatic Co., Ltd.利用量子计算技术解决方案规模突破1亿比特
import random
import itertools
import numpy as np
from dataclasses import dataclass
N_I = 20 # instance池
N_E = 10 # subQUBO的抽取次数
N_S = 10 # N_I个instance池中抽取的解的个数
sub_qubo_size = 5 # subQUBO的量子比特数
# 为了简单,使用TSP作为例子
num_spin = NUM_CITY ** 2
distance_mtx = np.random.randint(1, 100, (NUM_CITY, NUM_CITY))
distance_mtx = np.tril(distance_mtx) + np.tril(distance_mtx).T - 2 * np.diag(distance_mtx.diagonal())
# <<< Objective term >>>
qubo_obj = np.zeros((NUM_CITY**2, NUM_CITY**2), dtype=np.int32)
for t_u_v in itertools.product(range(NUM_CITY), repeat=3):
t, u, v = t_u_v[0], t_u_v[1], t_u_v[2]
idx_i = NUM_CITY * t + u
if t < NUM_CITY - 1:
idx_j = NUM_CITY * (t + 1) + v
elif t == NUM_CITY - 1:
idx_j = v
qubo_obj[idx_i, idx_j] += distance_mtx[u, v]
qubo_obj = np.triu(qubo_obj) + np.tril(qubo_obj).T - np.diag(np.diag(qubo_obj))
# <<< Constraint term >>>
qubo_constraint = np.zeros((NUM_CITY**2, NUM_CITY**2), dtype=np.int32)
# Calculate constraint term1 : 1-hot of horizontal line
for t in range(NUM_CITY):
for u in range(NUM_CITY - 1):
for v in range(u + 1, NUM_CITY):
qubo_constraint[NUM_CITY*t+u, NUM_CITY*t+v] += ALPHA * 2
# Linear term
for t_u in itertools.product(range(NUM_CITY), repeat=2):
qubo_constraint[NUM_CITY*t_u[0]+t_u[1], NUM_CITY*t_u[0]+t_u[1]] += ALPHA * (-1)
const_constraint = ALPHA * NUM_CITY
# Calculate constraint term2 : 1-hot of vertical line
# Quadratic term
for u in range(NUM_CITY):
for t1 in range(NUM_CITY - 1):
for t2 in range(t1+1, NUM_CITY):
qubo_constraint[NUM_CITY*t1+u, NUM_CITY*t2+u] += ALPHA * 2
# Linear term
for u_t in itertools.product(range(NUM_CITY), repeat=2):
qubo_constraint[NUM_CITY*u_t[1]+u_t[0], NUM_CITY*u_t[1]+u_t[0]] += ALPHA * (-1)
const_constraint += ALPHA * NUM_CITY
class Solution():
Solution information.
x (np.ndarray): n-sized solution composed of binary variables
energy_all (float): energy value obtained from QUBO-matrix of all term
energy_obj (float): energy value obtained from QUBO-matrix of objective term
energy_constraint (float): energy value obtained from QUBO-matrix of constraint term
constraint (bool): flag whether the solution satisfies the given constraint
x: np.ndarray
energy_all: float = 0
energy_obj: float = 0
energy_constraint: float = 0
constraint: bool = True
def energy(cls, qubo:np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, const=0) -> float:
Calculate the enrgy from the QUBO-matrix & solution x
qubo (np.ndarray): n-by-n QUBO-matrix
x (np.ndarray): n-sized solution composed of binary variables
const (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 0.
float: Energy value.
return float(np.dot(np.dot(x, qubo), x) + const)
def check_constraint(cls, qubo: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, const=0) -> bool:
Check whether the solution satisfies the constraints.
qubo (np.ndarray): QUBO-model of the constraint term.
x (np.ndarray): solution that you want to check.
const (int, optional): constant of the constraint term. Defaults to 0.
bool: Return True if the solution satisfy.
Return False otherwise.
return True if cls.energy(qubo, x, const) == 0 else False
5.subQUBO Hybrid Annealing Algorithm
# https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9664360
# <<< Line 2-4 >>>
# Initialize the Instance Pool
pool = []
for i in range(N_I):
# ====================
# 实验时改动此参数
x = np.random.randint(0, 2, num_spin) # 生成随机解
# ====================
energy_obj = Solution.energy(qubo_obj, x)
energy_constraint = Solution.energy(qubo=qubo_constraint, x=x, const=const_constraint)
x = x,
energy_all = energy_obj + energy_constraint,
energy_obj = energy_obj,
energy_constraint = energy_constraint,
constraint = Solution.check_constraint(qubo=qubo_constraint, x=x, const=const_constraint)
ascending_order_idx = np.argsort(np.array(list(map(lambda sol: sol.energy_all, pool))))
pool = [pool for i in ascending_order_idx]
# <<< Line 5 >>>
# Find the best solution
ascending_order_idx = np.argsort(np.array(list(map(lambda sol: sol.energy_all, pool))))
x_best = pool[ascending_order_idx[0]]
for _ in range(1): # <<< Line 6 >>>
# <<< Line 7-8 >>>
# Obtain a quasi-ground-state solution for every N_I solution instance by a classical QUBO solver
for solution_i in pool:
# ====================
# 实验时改动此参数
x = np.random.randint(0, 2, num_spin) # 生成随机解
# ====================
# Update the solution info
solution_i.x = x
energy_obj = solution_i.energy(qubo_obj, x)
energy_constraint = solution_i.energy(qubo_constraint, x, const_constraint)
solution_i.energy_all = energy_obj + energy_constraint
solution_i.energy_obj = energy_obj
solution_i.energy_constraint = energy_constraint
solution_i.constraint = solution_i.check_constraint(qubo=qubo_constraint, x=x, const=const_constraint)
for i in range(N_E): # <<< Line 9 >>>
# <<< Line 10 >>>
# Select N_S solution instance randomly from the pool
n_s_pool = random.sample(pool, N_S)
# <<< Line 11-14 >>>
# Calculate variance of each spin x_i in N_S instance poolSolution.check_constraint(qubo_constraint, x, const_constraint)
vars_of_x = np.array([sum(n_s_pool[k].x[j] for k in range(N_S)) - N_S/2 for j in range(num_spin)])
# <<< Line 15 >>>
# Select a solution randomly from N_S solution instance pool as a tentative solution
solution_tmp = random.choice(n_s_pool)
# Extract a subQUBO
extracted_spin_idx = np.argsort(vars_of_x)[:sub_qubo_size]
non_extracted_spin_idx = np.argsort(vars_of_x)[sub_qubo_size:]
subqubo_obj = np.array([[qubo_obj[j, k] for k in extracted_spin_idx] for j in extracted_spin_idx])
subqubo_constraint = np.array([[qubo_constraint[j, k] for k in extracted_spin_idx] for j in extracted_spin_idx])
for idx_i in range(sub_qubo_size):
subqubo_obj[idx_i, idx_i] += sum(qubo_obj[idx_i, idx_j] * solution_tmp.x[idx_j] for idx_j in non_extracted_spin_idx)
subqubo_constraint[idx_i, idx_i] += sum(qubo_constraint[idx_i, idx_j] * solution_tmp.x[idx_j] for idx_j in non_extracted_spin_idx)
# <<< Line 16 >>>
# Optimize the subQUBO using an Ising machine
# ====================
# 实验时改动此参数
x_sub = np.random.randint(0, 2, sub_qubo_size) # 生成随机解
# ====================
# Combine the quasi-ground-state solution from the subQUBO with the tentative solution X_t(solution_tmp)
for idx, val in enumerate(extracted_spin_idx):
solution_tmp.x[idx] = x_sub[idx]
# <<< Line 17 >>>
# Add the solution into the pool
# <<< Line 18 >>>
# Find the best soliution
ascending_order_idx = np.argsort(np.array(list(map(lambda sol: sol.energy_all, pool))))
x_best = pool[ascending_order_idx[0]]
# <<< Line 19 >>>
# Arrange the N_I instance pool
sorted_pool = [pool for i in ascending_order_idx]
pool = sorted_pool[:N_I]
pool, x_best
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